Ⅲ.Matching: (15 %)
Directions:This section consists of three groups of pairs listed in two columns,A and B. You are to match the onemarked ①,②,③,④ or ⑤ inColumn A with the one marked a,b,c,dor e in Column B. One point is given to each pair you match correctly.
Ⅳ.Questions for Brief Answers: (30%)
Directions:This section has six questions. You are to answer them briefly. Five points aregiven to each question.
39. Could you please name anytwo of Daniel Jones’ works on English phonetics?
40. What is the learningtheory of the Direct Method according to J. A. Comenius?
41. How does the teacher matpractices the Oral Approach deal with students’ errors?
42. What is language inChomsky’s opinion?
43. What is the primary goalof the Natural Approach?
44. What are the four pointssummarized by Tang Lixing on the methodological development before the 1980s inChina?
Ⅴ.Questions for Long Answers: (20%)
Directions:The two questions in this section are to be answered on the basis of your ownteaching experience as well as the theoretical knowledge you’ve learned. Ten points are given toeach question.
45. Discuss in your own wordsthe advantages of the Direct Method.
46. What are the principlesthat Asher believes in?