



來源 :華課網(wǎng)校 2024-06-17 16:42:32

In English, the word for '老鼠' is 'mouse'.

Mice are small rodents that are often found in homes, fields, and other areas where food is plentiful. They have long tails, pointy noses, and small, furry bodies.

Mice are known for their ability to sneak into tight spaces and scurry around quietly, making them a common nuisance for homeowners. They are also known for their rapid reproduction, with females able to give birth to several litters of babies each year.

While mice can be cute and even kept as pets, they can also carry disease and cause damage to property. It's important to take measures to prevent mice from entering your home, such as sealing up any cracks or openings and keeping food stored in tightly sealed containers.

Overall, mice may be a common pest, but they are also fascinating creatures with unique adaptations and behaviors.






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