



來源 :華課網(wǎng)校 2024-07-31 20:13:28



1. 道生一,一生二,二生三,三生萬物。 The Tao begets one, One begets two, Two begets three, And three begets the ten thousand things.

2. 天下皆知美之為美,斯惡已。皆知善之為善,斯不善已。 When everyone recognizes beauty as beautiful, There is already ugliness. When everyone recognizes good as good, There is already evil.

3. 大道廢,有仁義;智慧出,有大偽;六親不和,有孝慈;國家昏亂,有忠臣。 When the Great Way is abandoned, There are benevolence and righteousness. When wisdom and knowledge arise, There is great hypocrisy. When there is strife in the family, There is filial piety. When a country is in chaos, There are loyal ministers.

4. 常善治人,深藏若虛。常知稼穡,谷物不積。常謙受益,萬物化育。常戒不足,而不竊。 Virtue is always benevolent in dealing with people, But it is as deep as a bottomless well. It is always aware of the importance of agriculture, But it never hoards grain. It is always humble and open to learning, And it enables all things to grow and flourish. It is always mindful of what is lacking, And it never steals.

5. 前德不足,后德充盈。故臨大事必先細謀,謀定而后動。 If the frontiers of virtue are not sufficient, The rear will be filled with vices. Thus, before undertaking any great matter, One should carefully plan and deliberate, And only then take action.

6. 谷神不死,是謂玄牝。 The spirit of the valley never dies; It is called the mysterious female.

7. 天地不仁,以萬物為芻狗;圣人不仁,以百姓為芻狗。 Heaven and earth are not kind; They regard all things as straw dogs. The sage is not kind either; He regards the people as straw dogs.

8. 上善若水。水善利萬物而不爭,處眾人之所惡,故幾于道。 The highest good is like water. It benefits all things without contention, And it flows to places that others disdain. Therefore, it is like the Tao.

9. 道沖而用之或不盈。淵兮似萬物之宗。 The Tao is like an empty vessel, Yet it is inexhaustible in its use. It is like the source of all things.

10. 常足以一矢而足下,以器械之利而不足也。 The constant is sufficient to fill one's quiver, But the usefulness of tools and equipment is limited.

11. 重為輕根,靜為躁君。 The weighty is the foundation of the light, And tranquility is the ruler of agitation.

12. 天下皆知美之為美,斯惡已;皆知善之為善,斯不善已。 When everyone recognizes beauty as beautiful, There is already ugliness. When everyone recognizes good as good, There is already evil.

13. 不知不知矣。 Knowing not-knowing is the highest knowledge.

14. 與人方便,自己方便;與人不便,自己不便。 To be of benefit to others is to be of benefit to oneself. To be of harm to others is to be of harm to oneself.

15. 用兵有言:吾不敢為主而為客;不敢進寸而退尺。 This is the art of war: I dare not be the host but would rather be the guest. I dare not advance an inch but would rather retreat a foot.

16. 知人者智,自知者明。勝人者有力,自勝者強。 He who knows others is wise; He who knows himself is enlightened. He who conquers others is strong; He who conquers himself is mighty.

17. 其安易持,其未兆易謀。其脆易泮,其微易散。為之于未有,治之于未亂。 The easy is preserved with care, The unmanifest is easily planned for. The brittle is easily shattered, The small is easily dispersed. Act on it before it exists; Manage it before it becomes chaotic.

18. 大音希聲,大象無形。 The greatest sound is silent; The greatest form is formless.

19. 治大國若烹小鮮。 The governance of a great state is like cooking a small fish.

20. 道常無為而無不為。 The Tao is always non-action, yet there is nothing it does not accomplish.

21. 知人者知也,自知者明也。勝人者有力也,自勝者強也。 He who knows others is knowledgeable, He who knows himself is insightful. He who conquers others is powerful, He who conquers himself is invincible.

22. 治人事天莫如躬。 The governance of people is nothing compared to the cultivation of the self.

23. 重為輕根,靜為躁君。 The heavy is the foundation of the light, And tranquility is the ruler of agitation.

24. 拳拳之心,炎炎之志,求其上者,不可得而得也;求其下者,不可失而失也。 With a sincere heart and a fiery spirit, The seeker of the highest cannot be attained by seeking, Yet it cannot be lost by seeking the lowest.

25. 以慈故能勇。 With kindness, one can be brave.

26. 為學日益,為道日損。 One increases in knowledge every day, But decreases in the Way every day.

27. 知者不言,言者不知。 The knowledgeable do not speak; The speakers are not knowledgeable.

28. 知其雄,守其雌,為天下谿。 Knowing the male, yet guarding the female, One becomes the stream of the world.

29. 道生之,德畜之,物形之,勢成之。 The Tao gave birth to it, Virtue nurtured it, Matter formed it, And circumstance completed it.

30. 常善戰(zhàn),以保信。常善攻,人不知其所守;常善守,人不知其所攻。 Always fight for the sake of trust. Always attack where the enemy is unprepared; Always defend where the enemy is strong.

31. 為無為,事無事,味無味。 Make the effort to do nothing, Attend to the affairs of non-affairs, Taste the flavor of non-flavor.

32. 道常無名,樸雖小,天下莫能臣也。 The Tao is always without a name, Simple though it may be, No one in the world can subjugate it.

33. 孔德之容,惟道是從。 The essence of Confucianism, nothing but following the Tao.

34. 天地不仁,以萬物為芻狗;圣人不仁,以百姓為芻狗。 Heaven and earth are not kind; They regard all things as straw dogs. The sage is not kind either; He regards the people as straw dogs.

35. 貪夫徇財,師是以為名;舍生忘死,以之為利。 The greedy pursue wealth, And use it to gain fame. But those who sacrifice their lives, And forget themselves, are truly valuable.

36. 視其所以,觀其所由,察其所安??此淖鳛?,觀察他的來由,察看他的安適。

37. 大道廢,有仁義;智慧出,有大偽。 The decline of the Great Way gives rise to benevolence and righteousness. The increase of knowledge brings forth great hypocrisy.

38. 少言多謀,必有殃;多言少謀,必有誤。 Speak little and plan much, And you will avoid calamity; Speak much and plan little, And you will make mistakes.

39. 天下之至柔,馳騁天下之至堅。 The softest thing in the world dashes against and overcomes the hardest.

40. 道生一,一生二,二生三,三生萬物。 The Tao begets one, One begets two, Two begets three, And three begets the ten thousand things.

41. 淳于足下,有罪無罰;孰知道之不徑,唯欲人之難。 Beneath the feet of the honest, There is no guilt nor punishment. Who knows that the Way is not straight, But only desires that people find it difficult?

42. 道沖而用之或不盈。淵兮似萬物之宗。 The Tao is like an empty vessel, Yet it is inexhaustible in its use. It is like the source of all things.

43. 天下皆知美之為美,斯惡已;皆知善之為善,斯不善已。 When everyone recognizes beauty as beautiful, There is already ugliness. When everyone recognizes good as good, There is already evil.

44. 道生之,德畜之,物形之,勢成之。 The Tao gave birth to it, Virtue nurtured it, Matter formed it, And circumstance completed it.

45. 以其昏昏,使人昭昭。 The obscured is made clear through the enlightening of others.

46. 知足不辱,知止不殆,可以長久。 Knowing contentment avoids disgrace, Knowing when to stop avoids danger, And one can thus endure long.

47. 知者不言,言者不知。 The knowledgeable do not speak; The speakers are not knowledgeable.

48. 為學日益,為道日損。 One increases in knowledge every day, But decreases in the Way every day.

49. 其安易持,其未兆易謀。其脆易泮,其微易散。為之于未有,治之于未亂。 The easy is preserved with care, The unmanifest is easily planned for. The brittle is easily shattered, The small is easily dispersed. Act on it before it exists; Manage it before it becomes chaotic.

50. 知人者智,自知者明。勝人者有力,自勝者強。 He who knows others is wise; He who knows himself is enlightened. He who conquers others is strong; He who conquers himself is mighty.

51. 天下之至柔,馳騁天下之至堅。 The softest thing in the world dashes against and overcomes the hardest.

52. 知足不辱,知止不殆,可以長久。 Knowing contentment avoids disgrace, Knowing when to stop avoids danger, And one can thus endure long.

53. 以其昏昏,使人昭昭。 The obscured is made clear through the enlightening of others.

54. 視其所以,觀其所由,察其所安??此淖鳛椋^察他的來由,察看他的安適。

55. 知足者富。 The contented are wealthy.

56. 為無為,事無事,味無味。 Make the effort to do nothing, Attend to the affairs of non-affairs, Taste the flavor of non-flavor.

57. 天地不仁,以萬物為芻狗;圣人不仁,以百姓為芻狗。 Heaven and earth are not kind; They regard all things as straw dogs. The sage is not kind either; He regards the people as straw dogs.

58. 不為而有,不為而利。 The Tao is without action, yet it accomplishes everything; It is without effort, yet it is beneficial to all.

59. 知者不惑,仁者不憂,勇者不懼。 The knowledgeable are not perplexed, The benevolent are not anxious, The courageous are not afraid.

60. 道常無為而無不為。 The Tao is always non-action, yet there is nothing it does not accomplish.

61. 知其雄,守其雌,為天下谿。 Knowing the male, yet guarding the female, One becomes the stream of the world.

62. 孔德之容,惟道是從。 The essence of Confucianism, nothing but following the Tao.

63. 視其所以,觀其所由,察其所安??此淖鳛?,觀察他的來由,察看他的安適。

64. 大音希聲,大象無形。 The greatest sound is silent; The greatest form is formless.

65. 用兵有言:吾不敢為主而為客;不敢進寸而退尺。 This is the art of war: I dare not be the host but would rather be the guest. I dare not advance an inch but would rather retreat a foot.

66. 知人者知也,自知者明也。勝人者有力也,自勝者強也。 He who knows others is knowledgeable, He who knows himself is insightful. He who conquers others is powerful, He who conquers himself is invincible.

67. 其安易持,其未兆易謀。其脆易泮,其微易散。為之于未有,治之于未亂。 The easy is preserved with care, The unmanifest is easily planned for. The brittle is easily shattered, The small is easily dispersed. Act on it before it exists; Manage it before it becomes chaotic.

68. 常足以一矢而足下,以器械之利而不足也。 The constant is sufficient to fill one's quiver, But the usefulness of tools and equipment is limited.

69. 谷神不死,是謂玄牝。 The spirit of the valley never dies; It is called the mysterious female.

70. 道常無為而無不為。 The Tao is always non-action, yet there is nothing it does not accomplish.

71. 不知不知矣。 Knowing not-knowing is the highest knowledge.

72. 與人方便,自己方便;與人不便,自己不便。 To be of benefit to others is to be of benefit to oneself. To be of harm to others is to be of harm to oneself.

73. 重為輕根,靜為躁君。 The heavy is the foundation of the light, And tranquility is the ruler of agitation.

74. 天下皆知美之為美,斯惡已。皆知善之為善,斯不善已。 When everyone recognizes beauty as beautiful, There is already ugliness. When everyone recognizes good as good, There is already evil.

75. 前德不足,后德充盈。故臨大事必先細謀,謀定而后動。 If the frontiers of virtue are not sufficient, The rear will be filled with vices. Thus, before undertaking any great matter, One should carefully plan and deliberate, And only then take action.

76. 天下皆謂我道大,似不肖。夫唯大,故似不肖。若肖,久矣其細也夫。 Everyone in the world says that my Tao is great, But it seems insignificant. Because it is great, It seems insignificant. If it were insignificant, It would have vanished long ago.

77. 重為輕根,靜為躁君。 The heavy is the foundation of the light, And tranquility is the ruler of agitation.

78. 天下皆知美之為美,斯惡已。皆知善之為善,斯不善已。 When everyone recognizes beauty as beautiful, There is already ugliness. When everyone recognizes good as good, There is already evil.

79. 谷神不死,是謂玄牝。 The spirit of the valley never dies; It is called the mysterious female.

80. 孔德之容,惟道是從。 The essence of Conf






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