Ⅳ.重新組合段落 (10 points,2 points each)
19. Rearrange the following numbered sentences so that they will read logically. Put the numbers in proper sequence in the boxes provided below.
① They dressed in animal skins, lived in caves or rude wooden huts, and had their own languages.
② The English language we speak today went through three stages — Old English, Middle English and Modem English.
③ During the Stone Age, some Indo-European people lived on the islands of Britain.
④ The earliest known of these British Indo-Europeans split into two groups called the Scots and the Celts.
⑤ But ages before Old English came into being, many other languages had to arise and develop.
⑥ Together these three peoples are known as Britons.
⑦ There was another group, who were not Indo-Europeans, called Picts.
⑧ The oldest of these, as far as we know, was the Indo-European family of languages, which were beginning to be spoken during the Stone Age.
⑧ ④ ⑥