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  • 歷年真題
  • 模擬試題
  • 自考自答


來源:考試網(wǎng) [ 2013年7月19日 ] 【大 中 小】

36. Most hosts [of TV talk shows] are grateful just to get someone who will fill the room with sound.

A. Most hosts like those guests who come to the talk shows.

B. It’s really difficult for most hosts to find some talkative guests.

C. Most hosts are more than happy as long as the guests keep talking.

D. Whatever the guests say about themselves, most hosts wouldn’t mind.

37. It makes me very humble to think of a guy like Scotty.

A. I don’t want to be reminded of how great Scotty is.

B. Scotty is even more important than I’d like to admit.

C. The thought of Scotty doesn’t make me comfortable.

D. I feel I’m a nobody when I think of Scotty’s success.

38. The class discusses the possibility of terrorists’ using a homemade atomic bomb to push their extravagant political demands.

A. ... to promote their unique political ideas to a target government.

B. ... to force a government to accept their unreasonable political demands.

C. ... to persuade a government to agree with their terrorist political ideas.

D. ... to negotiate their extraordinary political demands with a government.

39. Nothing was too good for that child [Laura].

A. Laura deserved whatever her parents did for her.

B. Laura was never satisfied with whatever her parents did for her.

C. Laura was grateful to her parents for what her parents had done for her.

D. Laura was too greedy a child to appreciate what her parents had done for her.

40. For a second Rudolf thought his host [the lighthouse keeper] might be joking; but the serenity of the other’s expression reassured him.

A. ... but Rudolf found from the old man’s expression that he was not serious.

B. ... but Rudolf’s expression showed the old man that he was only joking.

C. ... but the old man’s calm expression convinced Rudolf that he was not joking.

D. ... but Rudolf looked peaceful, so the old man was sure that he meant what he said.

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