1. Students can benefit just as much from extracurricular activities as they can from attending classes.
2. Most of parents at sometimes find disapproval of the ways teachers are teaching their students. It is not suggested for the parents to express their disapproval to the teachers.
3. Children should spend all their time on studying and playing and they shouldn’t be required to help family with household chores, such as cooking etc.
4. Teachers' performance should be evaluated by students rather than by other teachers.
5. The most important goal of education is to help people to educate themselves.
6. It is better to choose a university whose graduates have good job opportunities than a university who has famous professors.
7. To remain happy and optimistic when you fail is more important than achieving success.
8. Most business people are only motivated by the desire of money.
9. The most important investment for a big company is to improve the efficiency and competence of its employees
10. Physical exercise is much more important for the old than the young.
11. When people celebrate a special event, such as graduation or a special party, some of them prefer a large party with lots of people, while others prefer a small party with only a few close friends and family members. Which kind of party do you prefer?
People should buy things made in their own country, even when the price is higher than same things made somewhere else?
12. If people are on vacation(holiday), they should leave their mobile phones at home.
13. It is often not good for people to move to a new town or country, because you may lose old friends.
14. Governments should focus its budget more on art museums and concert halls than on recreational facilities, such as swimming pools and playgrounds.
15. During an economic crisis, governments usually reduce spending on certain public services. Which area do you think the government should reduce spending on?
1) education
2) health care
3) support for the unemployed
16. Nowadays, people are more than willing to help people who they don’t know.(For example, giving food and clothes to the people who need them) than they were in the past.
17. The telephone has greater influence on people’s lives than television has.
18. Modern agriculture method damage the environment, but providing food for the growing population around the world is more important than protecting the environment.