§ Headword
§ Synonym
§ 漢譯
§ Antonym
§ apartment
§ flat,residence
§ 公寓, 住處
§ If you find an apartment you like, submit an application to the landlord or property managerimmediately. Good apartments go quickly!
§ administrative
§ managerial
§ 行政的, 管理的
§ This is an administrative name for your convenience and can be anything you wish, but it must be unique in the bus instance.
§ massive
§ enormous, gigantic
§ 巨大的
§ That goal can only be met with massive influxes from the mainland or some sort of merger with Shenzhen into one great metropolis.
§ religious
§ 宗教的
§ The attraction of this approach is that it does not reduce religion to any single doctrine or belief,or suggest that all religious believers have one thing in common.
§ edifice
§ 大廈, 大廈建筑
§ So thermodynamics, based on these four laws now, requires an edifice, and it's a very maturescience, and it requires that we define things carefully.
§ metropolis
§ 大都市
§ The metropolis which uproots people, takes them away, takes them out of traditional cultures,also uproots traditional religious belief and practices.
§ tremendous marvelous
§ 巨大的
§ This also means we can promise a very short delivery time, which is important for our customer since they have a tremendous need for this system.
§ obsidian
§ 黑曜石
§ The Texas show includes an obsidian mask that likely traveled to Khara Khorum all the way from Egypt, Lessem says.
§ extensive broad
§ 寬泛的
§ China-Germany friendship is deeply rooted in the hearts of the two peoples, and enjoys an extensive foundation and broad prospects.
§ irrigation
§ 灌溉
§ Archaeologists are still struggling to gather enough evidence before reaching the final conclusions about the location of the Gardens, their irrigation system, and their trueappearance.