§ subtropical
§ 亞熱帶的
§ Buruli ulcer has been reported in over 30 countries mainly with tropical and subtropical climatesbut it may also occur in some countries where it has not yet been recognized.
§ afford
§ 承受得住
§ If you find yourself waiting to be great, yearning for the optimal time when you can “afford” to domore, then you are saying at some level, if you can’t help everyone, you help no one.
§ contaminated
§ polluted
§ 污染了的
§ If absorbed through contaminated food, especially milk and milk products, it will accumulate in the thyroid and cause cancer.
§ scenario
§ situation
§ 情況、情形
§ We determine each of the checkpoints described in Table 1 for each scenario and test.
§ runoff
§ 溢流(指流入河流中的雨水)
§ Acidic hot springs and geysers that would eat away at human flesh are no match for someorganisms that also make themselves at home in the acid runoff from mines.
§ cultivation
§ 耕作、種植
§ Where within this they can establish cultivation, collaboration, and competence culture and theycan actually really do all the amazing things that Agile supports them to do and can get greatresults.
§ excavation
§ dig
§ 挖、開鑿
§ They were genetically distinct from other humans, and an upper molar tooth (above) found at the same excavation hints that these people were similar to earlier species like Homo erectus.
§ reburial
§ 再掩埋、填埋
§ The epidiagenetic karst porosity, early reburial deep dissolution porosity and middle-latestructural cracks constituted the main oil and gas reservoir spaces in hydrocarbon accumulationperiod.
§ remediation
§ 整治
§ From the set of identified gaps, the analyst must determine the criticality of the gap, what data sources may address the gap (if any), and incorporate a remediation or mitigation plan for the gap.