新托福TOEFL聽力新增題型之“Listen Again”是本次變革中最為顯眼的聽力測試形式。此測試形式之新奇獨特處,乃覽看國內外眾多英語聽力考察形式之未見所聞。顧名思義,所謂“Listen Again”即在新托福TOEFL聽力考試的某篇文章結束后,其中某一題采取再次復聽,然后根據(jù)所聽來做推斷既而回答題目的形式來考察考生。
在未見其真面目時,僅依其官方網(wǎng)上透露的內容往揣摩難免會被ETS誤導,即便是現(xiàn)在ETS在網(wǎng)上公布的新托福TOEFL在線測試樣題與9月份真正在北美正式投進使用的新托福TOEFL考試題也是有差別的。在這里筆者稍做澄清:(1)新托福TOEFL考試放音過程是一遍完成;(2)只有“Listen Again”這種新增題型可以再次復聽文章中的某一部分,并根據(jù)再次回放的這部分回答特殊的題目。
(narrator) Listen to two student discussing a zoology course:
(man) Now, we can move on to discuss the next part of the chapter, the part of the chapter, the part on landtortoises
(woman) Yes. Land tortoises are tortoises that don’t live in the water, although they may live near the water. They only come to the water to drink or bathe.
(woman) Oh, look here in the book. Here’s a picture of one of the 40 kinds of land tortoises.
(man) Land tortoises are the ones that live to such long ages, aren’t they?
(woman) Yes, my favorite part of the chapter was the part that was about how long land tortoises can really live.
(man) How old can they live to be?
(woman) It’s not really known for sure. There are lots of traditional stories about tortoises that lived for hundreds of years. I do remember hearing, when I was young, about tortoises that were supposed to be one-to two hundred years old.
(man) That couldn’t be…No way.
(woman) Well, there’re a lot of stories, but there’s no accurate records, so it’s impossible to verify whether or not they’re true.
(man) Well, how old is the oldest tortoise on record, do you know?
(woman) In the chapter I just read, it said that the oldest tortoise whose age can be verified to some extent is the one known as Marion’s tortoise.
(man) I read that Marion’s tortoise was 152 years old.
(woman) Actually, I think the book said it was at least 152 years old. It was probably older.
(man) So, they’re not really certain how old Marion’s tortoise really was when it died. What is truly known about Marion’s tortoise?
(woman) It’s certain that a French explorer named de Fresne, Marion de Fresne captured an adult tortoise in 1766, and he transported the tortoise to the island of Mauritius in that same year.
(man) Well, when did Marion’s tortoise die? Are there authentic records?
(woman) Historians are satisfied with the authenticity of the records that show that Marion’s tortoise died in 1918.
(man) How do they know it was the same tortoise? Could it have been a different tortoise that died there in 1918?
(woman) Tortoises don’t occur naturally on Mauritius, so Marion’s tortoise was the only tortoise on the island of Mauritius.
(man) And so this tortoise had been on the island of Mauritius for 152 years when it died.
(woman) That’s right. Marion’s tortoise arrived in Mauritius in 1766 and died in 1918, so that would make it at least 152 years old.
(man) But didn’t you say that the tortoise that was captured and brought to Mauritius by Marion de Fresne was an adult when it was captured?
(woman) Yes. So Marion’s tortoise was known to have lived for 152 years on Mauritius. But because it was an adult when it was captured in 1766 and it’s unclear how old it was at that time, it could have been considerably older than 152 years when it died, maybe 180 years or more. Two hundred years old for this type of tortoise isn’t inconceivable.
(man) So a tortoise living to the age of 200 may be possible, but there’re no verified records of such a tortoise.
(woman) Exactly!
(1)Why does the man say this: Now we can move on to discuss the next part of the chapter, the part on land tortoises
(a) To indicate the next topic for discussion
(b) To suggest a new location for the discussion
(c) To state what has previously been said
(d) To clarify why they are having the discussion
(2)Listen again——Woman: There are lots of traditional stories about tortoises that lived for hundreds of years. I do remember hearing, when I was young, about tortoises that were supposed to be one-to two-hundred years old.
Man: That couldn’t be…No way.
How does the seem to feel when he says this: “That’s couldn’t be… No way”
(a) Unhappy
(b) Incredulous
(c) Incapable
(d) Disturbed