


當前位置:華課網(wǎng)校 >> 公共英語 >> PETS五級 >> 聽力指導 >> 2017公共英語等級考試pets5級聽力詞匯集錦(8)


來源:華課網(wǎng)校   2016-12-03【

  1. For examiner

  Part A: Self-introduction (This task will take about 2 minutes.)


  Good morning (afternoon / evening). Could I have your mark sheets,please? Thank you.

  (Hand over the mark sheets to the Assessor.)

  My name is ... and this is my colleague...

  He/she is not going to ask you any questions, but he/she is just going to be listening to us.

  So,your name is... and... ? Thank you.

  First of all we’d like to know something about you, so I’m going to ask you some questions about yourselves. (Begin with Candidate A, then move on to Candidate B) Now... (say the name of the candidate and ask the questions).

  Home Town

  •Where are you from?

  •How long have you lived there?

  •What’s it like living there?

  •How does your home town compare with ... (place where candidate is currently living)?

  •Well, that’s interesting.


  What about your family? Could you tell us something about them?


  •What do you do in ... (candidate’s home town), do you work or study? (If candidate already working)

  •What does your work involve?

  •Is your job something you had always wanted to do?

  •How long do you think you will stay in this job?

  (If candidate still at school, college or university)

  •What are your favourite subjects at school? What exactly are you studying?

  •What type of work are you future?

  •What qualifications will you need to do that?

  Part B: Collaboration (This part will take about 5 minutes.)


  Topic: Regional Poverty

  Now, ... (say the names of Candidate A and Candidate B) here is a list of causes for regional poverty. (Hand out the list to the candidates and let them read it through.) What do you think are the main causes for regional poverty? I’d like each of you to choose three from the list and tell each other why. lf you hold different opinions you may argue and you may also add your own ideas that are not listed here. You just talk to each other and I won’t join you. You have 5 minutes.

  All right. Would you begin? (The interlocutor may sit back and intervene only when necessary.)

  Causes for Regional Poverty:

  •lack of natural resources

  •disorganisation of the economy

  •out-of-date conventions


  •geographical position

  •poor leadership


  •lack of education

責編:xixi2580 評論 糾錯


報名時間 報名入口 報考條件
考試時間 考試簡介 級別劃分
成績查詢 評價目標 免考規(guī)定
合格證書 考試教材 備考指導


  • 會計考試
  • 建筑工程
  • 職業(yè)資格
  • 醫(yī)藥考試
  • 外語考試
  • 學歷考試
修文县| 大兴区| 邢台市| 吉木乃县| 昌黎县| 太保市| 新和县| 黔南| 嘉义市| 郧西县| 建德市| 沿河| 新和县| 大英县| 沭阳县| 东方市| 四子王旗| 乌鲁木齐县| 冀州市| 周口市| 兴安盟| 卢氏县| 临清市| 嘉义县| 兴和县| 陆川县| 封开县| 康定县| 云林县| 山西省| 三都| 堆龙德庆县| 张掖市| 商城县| 茶陵县| 宁海县| 汉源县| 凤城市| 罗山县| 遂宁市| 古交市|