Section Four
場次 20161119 20140927
學科 心理學
題型 填空 10
內容概述 economic and trust 經濟學和信托基金
填空 10:
31. Trust rely on kindness
32. Reduce poverty
33. Paying attention to face (hard in laboratory)
34. Involve a condition
35. sometimes be measurable
36. Animals send out oxytocin when interaction occurs
37. First participant send out money. Second participants have no obligation to
38. First participants don't have expectation of receiving money
39. have higher oxytocin levels
40. improve corporations social glue
Section Four
場次 20150314
學科 文學
題型 填空 10
內容概述 澳大利亞文學
31. song
32. Industry publishing
33. What does the author experienced poverty
34. character
36. frustration
37. friendship
38. danger
40.mainly inspired by coast
Section Four
場次 20150606
學科 藝術
題型 填空 10
內容概述 利用廢品制作藝術品
31 painting
32 plastic
33 Shells
34 electrical
35 photographs
40. lost