Section One
場景 求職咨詢
題型 填空 10
內(nèi)容概述 女人求職運動中心
填空 10
Personal Details
1.Home address 130, Pitchely avenue
2. mobile phone number 07785206439
relevant experience
work in 3.accountant department at the Mason office assistant
4. able to be a swimming coach qualities: has national ***certificate
5.be able to deal with different people
Good at problem solving
6.good at concentration
Physical condition
7 excellent vision
8. be happy to: work Sunday morning
9. Do some cleaning and administrative
10. applicant know this job from newspaper read on the bus radio.
場景 搬家咨詢
題型 填空 6,配對 4
內(nèi)容概述 一女士從悉尼搬家到美國,找搬家公司
填空 6
1. Telephone number: working number 94635550 house/ apartment(有 triple five 就
是說中間有著 3 個 5)
2. Address in Sydney:Clark House
3. Address in the USA street name University Drive, Washington
4. Packed time/Packing Day:moved time: 11th Monday
5. Cleaning out DAY:Thurday 14th
6. length time of storage luggage booked: one month (no more than two words) 7-
配對 4
A. emergency packing 要比較緊急地送往目的地去了
B. take along with her 本人親自帶的隨身行李
C. storage 和其他所有東西打包
7. cutlery,Kitchen and dishes: A (conversation mention kitchen utensils, woman said
she won’t look for dishes in so many package)
8. kettle: C (woman said she doesn’t drink coffee much, so can be stored)
9. alarm clock: B (she think useful, so bring with her on plane)
10. CD player: C (too big, she can buy another maybe small one)
Section Two
場景 其他
題型 地圖 5,單選 5
內(nèi)容概述 公司喬遷,公司搬家
11. Why does the company move? 答案:C
a. The lease ends b. the lease changed c. for expansion
12. The new location is close to: 答案: A
a. Printers b. a transport centre c. the clients
13. What should you do to the old furniture? 答案: B
a. Moved to the new company b. sell them to the public c. give them to friends
14. What stock do in the next few weeks? 答案:A
a. Three away all the old files b. make copies for important documents;
15. What are the employees expect to do in the moving day? 答案:A
a. Stay at home b. go to the company to help c. go to the new building to check
地圖 5
a. Conference room
b. Waiting room
c. Sales staff
d. Display room
e. Designers’ desks
f. Temporary staff’s desks
g. Lunch room
Section Three
場次 20160625
題型 單選 6,配對 4
內(nèi)容概述 師生針對研究報告進行交談
單選 6
21.Why it is important to complete the report.
A. Go into personal profile
B. Help lesson option for next semester
C. Help next presentation
22.What is the tutor's suggestions for the first draft of the report?
A. revise some part
C. Some statistics are confusing
23.How did they choose course sites?
A. choose one which is easy to access to
B. Selected carefully in a map
C. Pick them at random
24.What's the personal aim of this field trip?
A. just to apply field techniques learned
B. Measuring a tree density
C. Find out the ingredient of the soil
25.Why do you want to include others data?
A. make report more valid
26.Which measures do you find easy to take?
A.use elevator to observe the height of the land
B. Measure the height of the vegetable
配對 4
A. more training before the trip
B. Reduce complexity
C. Repeat it in the near future
D. Offer a wider range
E. Organize in a better way
F. Give more details
28.Data collecting sheet—E
29.Reference material—D
30.Group work with strangers—C
題型 單選 1,多選 3,配對 6
內(nèi)容概述 學生向?qū)W長和學姐請教學習方面的建議
多選 3
21-23.關于 mentor 的好處,讓選出三個來;
單選 1
配對 6
25-30 配對題小學妹問社會實踐的好處,學長和學姐分別回答,說話者和觀點的配對,這道題目需要辨別三 個 speaker 的聲音和對應的名字
Section Four
場次 20140405 20110709 20091024 20081108
學科 教育
題型 單選 2,填空 8
內(nèi)容概述 堅持能力研究,討論 education 分組和所設計的一些學習項目
場次 20160319B 20121011 20100211 20070901 √
學科 歷史
題型 填空 6,單選 4
內(nèi)容概述 蒸汽船的誕生
題型 填空 2,單選 3,配對 5
內(nèi)容概述 討論機場的未來建設