Haste Makes Waste
The Proverb “Haste makes waste” has been widely accepted for many years. It reminds us that if we are to achieve our final goal we have to do it in a (1)down-to-earth way. (2)The truth of it is deep and profound.
(3)There are numerous examples supporting this argument. (4)A case in point is the ancient Chinese story of (5)“Helping the shoots grow by pulling”. This story proved that the haste caused not only waste but great loss. (6)For another example, some parents and teachers,(7①) in order to improve children’s academic performance in a short time, tend to put too heavy burden on children. This, (7②) as a result, brings the children(8) nothing but great pressure.
(9)All the above-mentioned tells us that we shouldn’t(10) be over anxious for quick results. Everything has its own (11)developing law. Therefore, (12)whatever we do, we should not pay too much attention to the speed and ignore these laws. 點評