1911 年,中國爆發(fā)了歷史上的第一次資產階級革命——辛亥革命,它推翻了中國封建社會的最后一個朝代——清朝,廢除了中國延續(xù)了2000 多年的封建帝制,建立了中國的第一個民主共和國——民國。民國政府成立以后,要求全國人民都剪掉頭上的辮子,選擇自己喜歡的發(fā)型。至此,在中國延續(xù)了280 多年的辮子法令終于被解除。
In 1911, the first bourgeois revolution in Chinese history — the Revolution of 1911 broke out. The last dynasty of the Chinese feudal society, Qing Dynasty, was over-thrown and the monarch system that had a history of more than 2,000 years was abolished. The Republic of China, the first democratic republic in China, was founded in 1912. After its foundation, the government of Republic of China had required the citizens to cut off their queues and make the haircut they liked. Since then, the wearing-queue order that had lasted for more than 280 years in China has been abolished.