中國的橋梁建設有著悠久的歷史。中國古代橋梁以木材和石頭為主要建筑材料,形式多樣,極富特色。中國現(xiàn)存最古老的橋梁為隋代建造的安濟橋,位于河北省趙縣。安濟橋又名趙州橋,橋長50.82米,橋?qū)?米,為國家重點保護的文物(cultural relic)。清朝末年,蘭州黃河鐵橋建成,標志著中國橋梁建設進入了以鋼鐵和混凝土(concrete)為主要材料的時期。如今,中國的橋梁建設保持著多項世界記錄,中國躋身于世界橋梁建設強國行列。
China boasts a long history in bridge construction. With wood and stone as the major building materials, Chinese ancient bridges vary in forms and are highly distinct. Constructed in the Sui Dynasty, Anji Bridge, which is located in Zhao County, Hebei Province is the oldest existing bridge in China. Anji Bridge, also named Zhaozhou Bridge, is a key national protected cultural relic measuring a length of 50.82 meters and a width of 9meters.In the late years of the Qing Dynasty, Huanghe Iron Bridge in Lanzhou was completed, symbolizing that China’s bridge construction stepped into an era of adopting steel and concrete as the main materials for bridges. Now bearing many world records, China stands among world giants in bridge construction.