水滴可以穿石, 繩鋸可以斷木, 飛瀑之下, 怎么沒有深淵? 飛瀑是深淵的母親,是她孕育著深淵; 飛瀑是深淵的 "上帝", 是他創(chuàng)造出深淵。飛瀑之于深淵, 真是關系密切, 作用巨大。飛瀑是深淵之因, 深淵是飛瀑之果?吹斤w瀑下的深淵, 自然會對飛瀑肅然起敬?墒怯行┤, 卻不盡然, 他們站在深淵面前, 贊嘆的只是那一潭深邃的綠水, 卻忘記了那飛瀑日夜沖擊的功勞。
Dripping water can drill through the stone, as much as seesawing rope can cut tree trunks. So it is all too natural that under the downpour of waterfalls there must be a deep pond. Waterfalls are mothers that give birth to deep ponds, or god that creates them. Waterfalls have everything to do with the ponds beneath as the former is the cause while the latter the result. One grows respectful to waterfalls when she/he sees the pond beneath. But not for someone z those people only admire the profundity of the dark green water of the pond and totally forgot that it was the waterfalls that made these ponds day and night.