明代成化年間(1465-1487年) ,科舉考試之法又大大變更,用排偶文體闡發(fā)經(jīng)義,稱為“八股”,亦稱“時文”、“制義”或“制藝”,以后便承襲下來,格式愈益嚴格,文章越發(fā)空虛,直至清末光緒二十四年(1898)戊戌變法時才廢除,光緒三十一年(1905)科舉制被廢除。
The Eight-part Essay Examination
During the Chenghua Year of the Ming Dynasty (1465-1487), the imperial examination system underwent significant changes featuring the elaboration on the ideas via parallelism and antithesis, which is known as "the Eight-part Essay Examination", or "current essays", "stereotyped writing" or "creative arts". This model continued since then with increasingly strict format so that candidates paid too much attention to the format,while the works became increasingly devoid of content. It was not abolished until the Hundred Days’ Reform in the 24th year of Emperor Guangxu in the late Qing Dynasty (1898). In the 31st year of Emperor Guangxu (1905), the whole imperial examination system was abolished.