茶樹,原名茶,拉丁文名Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Ktze.,山茶科,山茶屬灌木或小喬木,嫩枝無毛。葉革質(zhì),長圓形或橢圓形。茶樹的葉子可制茶(有別于油茶樹),種子可以榨油,茶樹材質(zhì)細密,其木可用于雕刻。分布主要集中在南緯16度至北緯30度之間。樹齡可達一二百年,但經(jīng)濟年齡一般為40~50年。我國西南部是茶樹的起源中心。在熱帶地區(qū)也有喬木型茶樹高達15-30米, 基部樹圍1.5米以上,樹齡可達數(shù)百年至上千年。
Tea Tree
The Tea tree, originally known as tea, or its Latin name “Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Ktze.”, is a kind of Theaceae shrub or small tree without hair on the twigs. The leaf takes on a leather structure, obround or oval shape. The leaves can be processed into tea (different from oil camellia), and the seeds into oil; with fine and closely woven structure, its wood can be used for carving. It is mainly distributed between the 16 degrees south latitude and 30 degrees north latitude. It boasts its age of up to 100-200 years, but generally 40-50 years for the economic age. With the southwestern China as its place of origin, it is also distributed in tropical areas and mainly takes on the arbor type with a height of up to 15-30m, the bottom circle of over 1.5m and the age of up to several hundred to one thousand years.