1.And a passionate kiss has the same effect as belladonna in making our pupils dilate.
2.Prelude to a Kiss: Two-thirds of all people turn their head to the right when kissing. This behavior may mirror the head-turning preference observed in babies and even in fetuses.
3.Evolutionary psychologists have discovered that men are far more likely to prefer sloppy tongue kisses than women.
4.Always brush and floss, boys. Evolutionary psychologists found that when deciding whether to kiss someone, women pay much closer attention than men do to the breath and teeth of their partner.
5.You Give Love a Bad Name: One milliliter of saliva contains about 100,000,000 bacteria.
6.Love Is the Drug: Dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with feelings of desire and reward, spikes in response to novel experiences, which explains why a kiss with someone new can feel so special.
7.In some people, a jolt of dopamine can cause a loss of appetite and an inability to sleep, symptoms commonly associated with falling in love.
8.Holding hands and kissing reduces levels of the stress hormone cortisol, thereby lowering blood pressure and optimizing immune response.