Topic:Online-game Industry and Virtual Property Rights
Questions for reference
1. Do you or your friends play online games? What are the advantages and/or disadvantages of playing online games?
2. in computing language, virtual reality refers to computer-generated simulation of an image or environment that can be interacted with in a seemingly real or physical way. Would you enjoy living in this way? Why or why not?
3. Should virtual property bought online be treated material goods? If such “property” is stolen, should it be protected by law? Who should be responsible for its protection?
4. Is virtual goods legal or just play-play? Give your reasons and site examples to illustrate your point.
Topic: People Under Competition Pressure
Questions for reference
1. Because of the work-related stress, Chinese professionals often have a shorter life expectancy than the national average. Specify these professions and cite examples to illustrate your point.
2. Students are also under pressure. List examples of study-related stress.
3. Where and how do you think stress of this type comes from?
4. What can we do to cope with such work-related or study-related stress?
A 口譯筆譯
Topic: How Shall We Define a Qualified Teacher?
Questions for reference
1. What is your comment about the duty and performance of the university lectures?
2. What are your criteria of a qualified university teacher? Which is more important: the competence of teaching or the competence of academic research? Give your reasons.
3. How do you think about today’s academic ranks assessment system in universities in China?And Why?
Topic: Is It Ok To Answer Mobile Phone Calls In Class?
Questions for reference
1. Nowadays, many students own mobile phones, what should they do if someone callas during their classes?
2. What are the student’s rights in class? Can they include talking in class, dozing or falling into a sleep in class or drinking and eating in class? Why or why not?
3. Give a list of necessary conditions for the best classroom-teaching environment.