A primary school teacher left a class of 25 pupils intears when she told them Father Christmas does notexist.
The supply teacher blurted out: "it's your parents who leave out presents on Chrsitmas Day"when excited youngsters got rowdy as they talked about Christmas.
The class of seven-year-olds at Blackshaw Lane Primary School, Oldham, Greater Manchesterburst into tears and told their parents when they got home.
"I wasn't happy and a lot of the mums were upset. All kids at that age are excited at this timeof year, so for someone to come out and say something like that puts a dampener on it all.Now there are doubts at the back of their minds."
"He was distraught about it. He's only seven-years-old and it's part of the magic of Christmasto him. We told him that she did not believe in Father Christmas because of her religion andhe's fine now. "
Angela McCormick, the headteacher, refused to comment on the incident.
she said: "Profuse apologies to all our Year 3 children and parents. I have spoken to the supplyagency concerned and have completed a complaint form."
"The children are unscathed and thanks to the ‘magic’ of our resident staff and the lovely snowwe have all appreciated this week."
School governor, Councillor Steve Bashforth said: "It would take more than one Grinch to spoilthe magic of Christmas. We have every confidence that the head will deal with it sensitively andappropriately."
FATHER CHRISTMAS is NOT real. The world has gone crazy. How long are you going to foolyour children?
How stupid. I can't believe that the parents are up in arms about this. I am sure that their littledarlings will survive the trauma of being told the truth about Father Christmas! My parentswould joke with us about Santa when we were kids but we never really believed in him and theynever tried to pretend that he was real. Some of the comments parents have been makingsuggest a major tragedy had befallen the kids.
Santa is a bit sad really--its often the first time a child realises their parents can lie to them...
I've often thought it strange that we tell children that some magic man from the North Polecomes and gives them presents once a year. Parents struggle and scrape to afford lovely thingsto give their kids, so why shouldn't the children be told this and be grateful for it? Telling themSanta brings their presents teaches them not to recognise the value of money, and sets themup for this sort of disappointment when they find out he's not real.
It does seem a miserable thing to spoil the kid's dreams at Christmas.
All those people supporting this ghastly teacher's outburst obviously had very boring andnonmagical Christmases and killjoy parents. I stopped believing in Santa when I was six--of myown accord. But once I'd found out I was really disappointed and wished I hadn't gonesearching for clues. If anyone ruins the magic for my kids like that--they'll be very sorry indeed.
What a meanie..well she won't be getting any presents from Santa this year..I bet she's one ofthose wicked people who kills fairies by saying she doesn't believe in them..on purpose!
Why can we not let children be children for as long as possible. Shame on this teacher, theyhave no feelings. She has taken the magic out of Christmas.
I bet it's her first mistake so just give her another job, but not as a teacher. If the parents aresmart, they will "fix" the story about Santa in their kids minds.
Give the poor woman her job back, we're in a recession and I'm sure she needs it.
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