



來源 :華課網(wǎng)校 2024-06-21 11:15:04


Verse 1:

少年出家 譜寫傳奇

Shàonián chūjiā pǔxiě chuánqí

A young man becomes a monk and writes a legend

燃燒信仰 點燃心靈

Ránshāo xìnyǎng diǎnrán xīnlíng

Burning with belief, igniting the soul

披荊斬棘 直上云霄

Pī jīng zhǎn jí zhí shàng yúnxiāo

Cutting through thorns and brambles, straight to the top


少林英雄 青春無悔

Shàolín yīngxióng qīngchūn wú huǐ

Shaolin hero, no regrets in youth

刀光劍影 義薄云天

Dāo guāng jiàn yǐng yì bó yúntiān

Sword and blade, justice high as the sky

燃盡生命 靈魂永存

Rán jìn shēngmìng línghún yǒngcún

Burning up life, spirit eternal

Verse 2:

練武修行 鑄就豪情

Liàn wǔ xiūxíng zhù jiù háoqíng

Training in martial arts, forging a heroic spirit

心境平和 力敵群雄

Xīnjìng pínghé lì dí qúnxióng

Calm state of mind, able to take on the world

紅塵險阻 奮勇前行

Hóngchén xiǎn zǔ fèn yǒng qián xíng

Obstacles on the path, courageously moving forward


少林英雄 青春無悔

Shàolín yīngxióng qīngchūn wú huǐ

Shaolin hero, no regrets in youth

刀光劍影 義薄云天

Dāo guāng jiàn yǐng yì bó yúntiān

Sword and blade, justice high as the sky

燃盡生命 靈魂永存

Rán jìn shēngmìng línghún yǒngcún

Burning up life, spirit eternal


天地為證 忠誠不渝

Tiān dì wèi zhèng zhōngchéng bù yú

Heaven and earth as witnesses, unwavering loyalty

忍辱負重 鑄就英雄

Rěn rǔ fù zhòng zhù jiù yīngxióng

Enduring humiliation and bearing weight, forging a hero


少林英雄 青春無悔

Shàolín yīngxióng qīngchūn wú huǐ

Shaolin hero, no regrets in youth

刀光劍影 義薄云天

Dāo guāng jiàn yǐng yì bó yúntiān

Sword and blade, justice high as the sky

燃盡生命 靈魂永存

Rán jìn shēngmìng línghún yǒngcún

Burning up life, spirit eternal


少林英雄 青春無悔

Shàolín yīngxióng qīngchūn wú huǐ

Shaolin hero, no regrets in youth






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