



來源 :華課網(wǎng)校 2024-07-31 09:44:40


1. 無憂無慮者,必?zé)o所成?!赌印し枪ハ隆?/p>

Those who are carefree and unconcerned are bound to accomplish nothing.

2. 天下之物,莫大于人?!赌印ぜ鎼凵稀?/p>

There is nothing greater in the world than human beings.

3. 以德服人者,勝于以力服人?!赌印ど型隆?/p>

Those who win people over with virtue are more successful than those who use force.

4. 知人者智,自知者明。勝人者有力,自勝者強(qiáng)?!赌印ど型稀?/p>

Those who understand others are wise, but those who understand themselves are even wiser. Those who conquer others are strong, but those who conquer themselves are even stronger.

5. 以利相交,其所得者少;以義相交,其所得者多?!赌印ど型隆?/p>

Those who form relationships based on self-interest gain little, but those who form relationships based on righteousness gain much.

6. 善疑之謂智,善戒之謂勇?!赌印し侨逑隆?/p>

Those who are good at questioning are wise, and those who are good at restraining themselves are brave.

7. 能使人不愧于天地之間者,謂之仁。——《墨子·兼愛上》

Those who help people live up to the standards of heaven and earth are called benevolent.

8. 有德者必有言,有言者不必有德。——《墨子·尚同下》

Those who have virtue must have words, but those who have words do not necessarily have virtue.

9. 愚者自以為智,智者才知自己愚?!赌印ど型稀?/p>

The foolish think they are wise, but the wise know they are foolish.

10. 人性本善?!赌印ぜ鎼凵稀?/p>

Human nature is inherently good.

11. 君子不以言舉人,不以人廢言?!赌印ど型隆?/p>

A gentleman does not promote someone based on their words, nor dismiss someone based on their status.

12. 人能自立其志,則無不成之事?!赌印ぜ鎼凵稀?/p>

If a person can establish their own goals, there is nothing they cannot accomplish.

13. 以大欲觀其小過,以小善觀其大功。——《墨子·兼愛下》

Look at minor faults with great aspirations, and look at great accomplishments with small virtues.

14. 無私者,天下莫能與之爭利。——《墨子·兼愛上》

Those who have no selfish motives cannot be competed with in terms of profit.

15. 知之者不如好之者,好之者不如樂之者?!赌印ど型稀?/p>

Those who know are not as good as those who like, and those who like are not as good as those who enjoy.

16. 無知而自以為知者,最為不知?!赌印ど型稀?/p>

Those who are ignorant and think they know are the most ignorant.

17. 以直報怨,以德報德?!赌印ど型稀?/p>

Respond to resentment with honesty, and respond to virtue with virtue.

18. 不仁者不可與交,不知者不可與說?!赌印ぜ鎼巯隆?/p>

Those who are not benevolent cannot be friends, and those who are ignorant cannot be talked to.

19. 賢者能折不肖之士,不肖之士不能折賢者?!赌印ど型隆?/p>

The wise can correct the unworthy, but the unworthy cannot correct the wise.

20. 無惡不作者,人皆可愛?!赌印ぜ鎼凵稀?/p>

Those who do no evil can be loved by everyone.

21. ??謶终?,不能安其所安?!赌印し枪ハ隆?/p>

Those who are always afraid cannot find peace.

22. 以正治國者,不以刑罰治民?!赌印し枪ハ隆?/p>

Those who govern the country with justice do not govern the people with punishment.

23. 惡人之所以能為惡者,因善人不強(qiáng)也。——《墨子·非攻下》

The reason why evil people can do evil is because good people are not strong enough.

24. 以民為本,以民為天?!赌印ぜ鎼凵稀?/p>

Put the people first and treat the people as heaven.

25. 治國之道,以經(jīng)義為本。——《墨子·非儒下》

The way to govern a country is based on ethics and righteousness.

26. 以禮治國者,不以刑罰治民?!赌印し枪ハ隆?/p>

Those who govern the country with ritual do not govern the people with punishment.

27. 君子安危所在,天下可知也?!赌印し枪ハ隆?/p>

The safety and danger of a gentleman can be known throughout the world.

28. 無愛無求者,天下莫能與之爭利?!赌印ぜ鎼凵稀?/p>

Those who have no love or desires cannot be competed with in terms of profit.

29. 治國之道,以愛民為本。——《墨子·兼愛上》

The way to govern a country is based on love for the people.

30. 無欲則剛,有欲則柔。——《墨子·兼愛下》

Without desire, one is firm; with desire, one is soft.

31. 夫天下之大,無奇不有?!赌印ぜ鎼巯隆?/p>

There is nothing strange in the world.

32. 善者從人,不善者逆人?!赌印ど型隆?/p>

The good follow people, while the bad go against them.

33. 無惡不作,則無不可作之事?!赌印ぜ鎼凵稀?/p>

If there is no evil that cannot be done, then there is nothing that cannot be done.

34. 以仁心待人,必得仁人之心?!赌印ぜ鎼凵稀?/p>

If you treat others with a benevolent heart, you will receive a benevolent heart in return.

35. 貪利者莫過于王侯將相?!赌印ぜ鎼凵稀?/p>

No one is more greedy for profit than kings, nobles, and generals.

36. 以利相交,無所不為?!赌印ど型隆?/p>

Those who form relationships based on self-interest will do anything.

37. 以德報怨,以義報德?!赌印ど型隆?/p>

Respond to resentment with virtue, and respond to virtue with righteousness.

38. 以禮相待,則天下無敵?!赌印し枪ハ隆?/p>

If you treat others with ritual, you will be invincible.

39. 以正治國,以德治民。——《墨子·兼愛上》

Govern the country with justice and the people with virtue.

40. 以德報怨,以直報怨?!赌印ど型隆?/p>

Respond to resentment with virtue and honesty.

41. 仁者無敵,非攻之利也?!赌印し枪ハ隆?/p>

Benevolent people are invincible, which is the benefit of non-aggression.

42. 以禮相待,以義相處?!赌印し枪ハ隆?/p>

Treat others with ritual and interact with others with righteousness.

43. 知足者富,不知足者貧?!赌印ぜ鎼巯隆?/p>

Those who are content are rich, while those who are not content are poor.

44. 以德治國者,不以刑罰治民?!赌印ぜ鎼凵稀?/p>

Those who govern the country with virtue do not govern the people with punishment.

45. 君子以道御人,小人以人御道。——《墨子·非儒下》

Gentlemen use the way to govern people, while petty people use people to govern the way.

46. 兼愛之心,人皆有之。——《墨子·兼愛上》

Everyone has a heart of love.

47. 善以人之善者,亦德之大者也?!赌印ぜ鎼凵稀?/p>

Those who promote the good in others are also great in virtue.

48. 以己之心,度人之腹?!赌印ど型隆?/p>

Measure others' hearts with your own.

49. 以智制兵,不戰(zhàn)而勝?!赌印し枪ハ隆?/p>

Use intelligence to control the military, and win without fighting.

50. 人謂我非,我必非也。人謂我是,我必是之?!赌印ど型稀?/p>

If people say I am not, I must not be; if people say I am, I must be.

51. 毋以善小而不為,毋以惡小而為之。——《墨子·兼愛下》

Do not refrain from doing good because it is small, nor do evil because it is small.

52. 人心之善,如水之下流?!赌印ぜ鎼凵稀?/p>

The goodness of the human heart flows like water.

53. 以德報怨,以義報德,乃人之常情也?!赌印ど型隆?/p>

Respond to resentment with virtue, and respond to virtue with righteousness. This is the common sentiment of the people.

54. 天下無不可為之事,唯恐不盡其力耳?!赌印ぜ鎼巯隆?/p>

There is nothing that cannot be done in the world, only the fear of not exerting one's full strength.

55. 君子喻于義,小人喻于利?!赌印し侨逑隆?/p>

Gentlemen understand righteousness, while petty people understand profit.

56. 以禮待人,以德養(yǎng)人?!赌印し枪ハ隆?/p>

Treat others with ritual and nurture them with virtue.

57. 君子安而不忘危,存而不忘亡?!赌印し枪ハ隆?/p>

Gentlemen are safe but do not forget danger, and keep but do not forget loss.

58. 天下大事必作于細(xì)?!赌印ぜ鎼巯隆?/p>

Great things in the world must be done in detail.

59. 以德報怨,以義報德,乃仁人之常情也。——《墨子·尚同下》

Respond to resentment with virtue, and respond to virtue with righteousness. This is the common sentiment of benevolent people.

60. 君子之所以為君子者,以道德為本。——《墨子·非儒下》

The reason why a gentleman is a gentleman is based on ethics and morality.

61. 以義待人,以禮養(yǎng)人?!赌印し枪ハ隆?/p>

Treat others with righteousness and nurture them with ritual.

62. 非攻之利,唯利人也?!赌印し枪ハ隆?/p>

The benefit of non-aggression is only beneficial to people.

63. 無德不親,無義不交?!赌印ぜ鎼巯隆?/p>

Without virtue, there is no kinship, and without righteousness, there is no interaction.

64. 以德治國者,必先德己而后德人?!赌印ぜ鎼凵稀?/p>

Those who govern the country with virtue must first cultivate their own virtue before cultivating that of others.

65. 以禮相待,以德相處?!赌印し枪ハ隆?/p>

Treat others with ritual, and interact with others with virtue.

66. 君子不以言取人,不以人廢言?!赌印ど型隆?/p>

Gentlemen do not promote someone based on their words, nor dismiss someone based on their status.

67. 以德報怨,以義報德,乃君子之常情也?!赌印ど型隆?/p>

Respond to resentment with virtue, and respond to virtue with righteousness. This is the common sentiment of gentlemen.

68. 知人者有智,自知者明。勝人者有力,自勝者強(qiáng)?!赌印ど型稀?/p>

Those who understand others are wise, but those who understand themselves are even wiser. Those who conquer others are strong, but those who conquer themselves are even stronger.

69. 以德報怨,以直報怨,乃君子之常情也。——《墨子·尚同下》

Respond to resentment with virtue and honesty. This is the common sentiment of gentlemen.

70. 以德治國者,必先正己而后正人?!赌印ぜ鎼凵稀?/p>

Those who govern the country with virtue must first rectify themselves before rectifying others.

71. 君子遠(yuǎn)庖丁之言,近仁人之言?!赌印ぜ鎼凵稀?/p>

Gentlemen are far from the words of butchers and near to the words of benevolent people.

72. 以義為本,以禮為器。——《墨子·非攻下》

Ethics and righteousness are the foundation, and ritual is the tool.

73. 以禮相待,以德相養(yǎng)?!赌印し枪ハ隆?/p>

Treat others with ritual and nurture them with virtue.

74. 君子之所以為君子者,以禮為本?!赌印し侨逑隆?/p>

The reason why a gentleman is a gentleman is based on ritual.

75. 以德報怨,以義報德,乃圣人之常情也?!赌印ど型隆?/p>

Respond to resentment with virtue, and respond to virtue with righteousness. This is the common sentiment of sages.

76. 君子以德為本,以禮為器?!赌印し枪ハ隆?/p>

Gentlemen use virtue as the foundation and ritual as the tool.

77. 以德報怨,以義報德,乃智者之常情也?!赌印ど型隆?/p>

Respond to resentment with virtue, and respond to virtue with righteousness. This is the common sentiment of the wise.

78. 君子之所以為君子者,以德為本?!赌印し侨逑隆?/p>

The reason why a gentleman is a gentleman is based on virtue.

79. 以仁愛之心,待人以仁愛之心?!赌印ぜ鎼凵稀?/p>

Treat others with a heart of love, and use a heart of love to treat others.

80. 以德治國者,不以刑罰治民?!赌印ぜ鎼凵稀?/p>

Those who govern the country with virtue do not govern the people with punishment.

81. 以義為本,以禮為器,以德為根本?!赌印し枪ハ隆?/p>

Ethics and righteousness are the foundation, ritual is the tool, and virtue is the root.

82. 君子遠(yuǎn)小人之言,近智者之言。——《墨子·尚同下






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